Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At EYD Enterprises, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers' personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your information when you use our website, products, or services.

  1. Information We Collect: We may collect personal information that you provide to us voluntarily when you:

    • Make a purchase
    • Create an account
    • Subscribe to our newsletter
    • Contact us for support or inquiries
  2. Types of Information Collected: The types of personal information we may collect include:

    • Name
    • Email address
    • Shipping address
    • Billing information (such as credit card details)
    • Contact preferences
  3. How We Use Your Information: We may use the information we collect for the following purposes:

    • To process and fulfill your orders
    • To communicate with you about your orders and account
    • To send you promotional offers, newsletters, and marketing communications
    • To improve our products, services, and website functionality
    • To respond to your inquiries and provide customer support
  4. Information Sharing: We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except in the following circumstances:

    • To trusted third-party service providers who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you
    • To comply with legal obligations, enforce our site policies, or protect our rights, property, or safety
  5. Data Security: We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access your personal information.

  6. Data Retention: We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

  7. Your Rights: You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information at any time. You may also opt out of receiving marketing communications from us.

  8. Third-Party Links: Our website may contain links to third-party websites or services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such third parties. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those websites or services.

  9. Children's Privacy: Our website and services are not directed to children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you are a parent or guardian and become aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we can take appropriate action.

  10. Updates to This Privacy Policy: We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this page.

By using our website, products, or services, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at